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Ocean Forest employees holding up seaweed on a boat

About us

Lerøy Seafood Group is a world-leading seafood corporation with a history reaching back to 1899. The Group´s core business is production of salmon and trout, catches of whitefish, processing, product development, marketing, sale and distribution of seafood. Every single day, all year round, our 4,500 employees deliver seafood corresponding to five million meals daily.

Lerøy Ocean Harvest is subsidiary company of Lerøy Seafood Group ASA, producing and processing macroalgae for feed, food and other valuable products, from seedlings to finished product.


Our vision is to achieve more efficient recycling of the unexploited resources in the environments surrounding our fish farms, absorb CO2 and create biomass from species lower down the food chain, thereby reducing the environmental footprint of aquaculture.


Macroalgae absorb excess nutrients from the sea, require no freshwater, feed or fertilizers and absorb Nitrogen, phosphor and CO2 and has unlimited possibilities for use in feed, food, medicine, biofuels, nutraceuticals & fertilizers.

Lerøy Ocean Harvest has one of the largest seaweed farms in Europe, possessing extensive knowhow about seaweed cultivation, research and development, marine biology and marine engineering. By producing our own seaweed seedlings from indigenous plants at our hatchery facilities at Tysnes (Hordaland, Norway), we quality control the seaweed production through the entire value chain, from seedlings to finished product.