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Smoked salmon

Lerøy has comprehensive measures against Listeria

Food safety is Lerøy's top priority, and we have several measures in place to prevent Listeria in our raw materials and finished products. Our employees make a tremendous effort through systematic improvement work to maintain our high standards of food safety, says CEO Henning Beltestad.

In recent times, there has been particular attention to our slaughterhouse in Lerøy Midt and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority's follow-up on Listeria control.

- In our operations, we have always focused on minimizing the occurrence of Listeria and providing accurate and comprehensive information to our customers and public authorities. We have an integrated value chain for salmon production, which gives us the best conditions to ensure safe and healthy products for consumers.

Lerøy and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority share a common interest in combating Listeria in the best possible way. Therefore, we seek open and constructive dialogue with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority to find good solutions where both parties are confident that food safety is well maintained, says CEO Henning Beltestad of Lerøy Seafood Group.

One of the most important measures is our extensive sampling program, covering surfaces in the factory, raw materials, and finished products. Lerøy Midt conducts between 8,000 and 10,000 samples annually in the factory premises and on equipment.

Our strategy is to search and find, and then take action. With such extensive sampling, Listeria will be found over a period, which is natural as it is present everywhere in the environment around us. This is also the purpose, to be able to take action and reduce the risk of Listeria appearing in products.

When Listeria is detected on fish, actions are taken, and non-conformance reporting is carried out. Although the regulations do not specify any obligation to notify for a raw material supplier like Lerøy Midt, Lerøy also has its own procedure for information to the next level, ensuring food safety.

Lerøy's facilities are certified according to very strict food safety standards controlled by independent third parties.

Lerøy has a detailed system for daily cleaning and disinfection of production facilities and non-conformance handling. We have also collaborated with our equipment supplier to make equipment easier to clean, thus reducing the risk of Listeria occurrence. This is work that has resulted in new and improved machine designs that are now also available to other companies.

The Listeria bacterium is found everywhere in nature, and the bacteria are harmless to most people. However, high concentrations can be dangerous for people with weakened immune systems or serious illnesses.

The bacterium multiplies over time; therefore, ready-to-eat products that are long-lasting and not heat-treated, such as smoked salmon, cured salmon, charcuterie, and unpasteurized soft cheeses, are more susceptible to risk than other fresh products with shorter shelf life. Therefore, the most important thing is to ensure that long-lasting, non-heat-treated ready-to-eat products are free from Listeria.

- Lerøy has a fully integrated value chain, and we have full traceability of all products. If a recall is needed, we can notify customers, and the product can be withdrawn from the market immediately.

Lerøy produces 5 million meals every day, sold to over 80 countries. In the entire year 2023, we had only three recalls of small product batches. This demonstrates that our control measures are effective, and Lerøy produces safe food every day, all year round, concludes Beltestad.